Habits for a Better Evening Routine | Exercise is the Only Way to Defy Age | 1% 'Marginal Gains' Rule

  • If you want to have an overall healthy life, the truth of the matter is, you need to exercise. This doesn't mean you have to suffer through excessively long and draining workouts (unless of course, it is in line with your goals). To just be relatively healthy and to feel energized, the amount of exercise required is probably smaller than you think. So then, how much exercise is "enough"? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the smallest amount to get the maximum benefits: “...adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or an equivalent combination of moderate - and vigorous-intensity activity [1].” So then what differentiates moderate-intensity from vigorous-intensity and what are some examples. The easiest way to judge intensity (no equipment needed) is the talk test: moderate-intensity = ability to talk but not sing / vigorous-intensity = ability to only say a few words at a time before the need to take a breath. Examples of moderate-intensity are brisk walking, light cycling, yoga, easy dancing, and leisure sports. Examples of vigorous intensity are running, jump rope, strength training, HIIT, sprints. The next question is does it matter how long the exercise session is? The WHO in 2020 removed its one-time recommendation of at least 10 minutes to no minimum. This means that as long as your hitting your weekly total, it doesn't matter how you get there. While these numbers represent the minimum amount for relative health and in no way shape or form may line up with your goals and aspirations, it should be encouraging to know that just 21.5 minutes a day of a brisk walk can be extremely beneficial to your health. How much exercise is enough if you have goals and aspirations? That's where it becomes a little trickier. You'll need to consider what your goals are, the timeline you want to reach those goals, where you currently are at from a fitness level, and how much attention you're willing to put into the various other aspects of your life that will affect you reaching your goals, such as fitness, nutrition, recovery, and stress management. If it seems overwhelming, consider consulting a trainer/coach. Having goals is a good thing, it means you want to be more than just relatively healthy.

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